Thursday, October 6, 2016

Pengertian, Rumus dan Contoh Lengkap Adjective Clause/ Relative Pronoun


Relative pronoun adalah kata ganti penghubung yang digunakan untuk membentuk sebuah kalimat yang berasal dari dua buah kalimat. Adjective clause biasa dihubungkan dengan relative pronoun WHO, WHOM, WHICH, WHOSE dan WHERE/ IN WHICH semua relative pronoun tersebut bermakna “yang.” 

Berikut ini sahabat english schoolen kita bahas tuntas tentang Adjective Clause

1. WHO
Who digunakan untuk mengganti orang sebagai subject
- The man is very friendly
- The man lives next door
Untuk menggabung kalimat kita harus mencari pronoun (kata ganti yg sama di kedua kalimat) disitu terdapat The man  kita ganti pronoun kedua dengan who karna posisi orang sebagai subject.

Sehingga penggabungannya:
- The man who lives next door is very friendly

- I know Bill Gates
- He is the founder of Microsoft
- I know Bill Gates who is the founder of Microsoft

Who digunakan ketika orang bertemu kata kerja/ auxiliary

PEOPLE                VERB/ AUX

- Julious Caesar who was the leader of greece had great troops
- Alonso who won a lottery last year has moved to Jakarta
- The teacher who always gives us motivation is going to retire.
- The students who are lazy to study hard will fail to get a scholarship.

Whom digunakan untuk mengganti orang sebagai object
- The man was away on holiday
- I wanted to see him
Untuk menggabung kalimat kita harus mencari pronoun (kata ganti yg sama di kedua kalimat) disitu terdapat The man & him  kita ganti pronoun kedua dengan whom karna posisi orang sebagai object.

Sehingga penggabungannya:
- The man whom I wanted to see was away on holiday

- We admire Raisa Adriana
- many teenagers loves her
- We admire Raisa Adriana whom many teenagers loves

Whom digunakan ketika orang bertemu orang

PEOPLE       __         PEOPLE

- The singer whom I invited to sing in my wedding party got sick.
- He is the only candidate whom we are really fond of his skills
- The woman whom I met yesterday was Balinese

Who digunakan untuk mengganti kata benda
- The cat is fat
- It eats fish everyday
Untuk menggabung kalimat kita harus mencari pronoun (kata ganti yg sama di kedua kalimat) disitu terdapat The cat & it  kita ganti pronoun kalimat kedua dengan which karna kata benda (thing)

Sehingga penggabungannya:
- The cat which eats fish everyday is fat

- Gerry works for a company
- A company makes paper
- Gerry works for a company which makes paper

Which digunakan ketika benda bertemu kata kerja/ auxiliary

THING       __         VERB/ AUX

- I found a dog which we love so much
- The cat which eats fish everyday is fat
- The table which has unique shape is so expensive
- The car which hit me yesterday needs service

Whose digunakan untuk mengganti orang maupun benda yang memiliki hubungan kepunyaan (possesive)
- My father is a big boss
- His car is Jaguar
Untuk menggabung kalimat kita harus mencari pronoun (kata ganti yg sama di kedua kalimat) disitu terdapat my father & his kita ganti pronoun kedua dengan whose karna adanya hubungan kepemilikan.

Sehingga penggabungannya:
- my father whose car is jaguar is a big boss

- I know Titanic
- Its cabin was very luxurious
- I know Titanic whose cabin was very luxurious

Whose digunakan ketika orang/ benda dengan hubungan kepunyaan. Seperti contoh pertama mobil jaguar milik ayah. Contoh 2 kabin yang mewah milik Titanic.

NOUN              NOUN

- Bob was a young writer whose novel wins the national competition
- Dini whose father was hospitalized last night is absent today.
- I love to marry the woman whose IQ is above me.
- Diego helps the man whose motorcycle was stolen.

Where/ In which digunakan untuk mengganti keterangan tempat (place)
- The hotel wasn’t clean
- We stayed there
Untuk menggabung kalimat kita harus mencari pronoun (kata ganti yg sama di kedua kalimat) disitu terdapat The hotel & there  kita ganti pronoun kedua dengan where/ in which karna menyatakan tempat.

Sehingga penggabungannya:
- The man where we stayed wasn’t clean

- My hometown is Lampung
- We go there once a year
- My hometown is Lampung in which we go once a year.
Sahabat englishschoolen itulah penjelasan dan contoh dari Adjective clause atau relative pronoun semoga bermanfaat dan dapat membantu lebih memahami pelajaran sekolah adik adik semua. Jika ada pertanyaan atau kurang jelas silahkan bertanya di kolom komentar.

Tetap Semangat :D

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