Monday, October 10, 2016

Contoh teks Report, Definisi, Contoh & Pembahasan Soal

Contoh teks Report, Definisi, Contoh & Pembahasan Soal

Sahabat englishschoolen kali ini kita akan membahas teks Report, teks ini adalah teks yang selalu muncul di ujian semester maupun ujian nasional. Mari kita mengenal jenis teks ini :D


A.Social Function/ Purpose of Text
To inform or describe an object in general.

Tujuan Teks
Untuk menginformasikan atau menggambarkan suatu objek secara umum.

B.Generic Structure
- General Classification
Tells what the object or phenomenon that will be described.
- Description
Description the object in general

Struktur Teks
-Klasifikasi umum
Mengenalkan objek yang akan di jelaskan.
- Deskripsi
Penjelasan objek secara umum

C. Characteristics of text/ Ciri Teks
- General noun (Reptiles in comodo island)
- Present tense (V-1/ is am are/ do does)
- Plural noun (reptiles, snakes, bees)
- Technical terms (water contains oxygen and hydrogen)

Demikianlah pengertian dan ciri teks Report semoga dapat membantu tugas sekolah adik- adik semua.
Berikut ini adalah contoh teks Report beserta pembahasan soalnya.
Computers are machines that handle information automatically. They can perform calculations and process data. Computers can work with numbers to solve problems in a few seconds. Computer can remember a great deal of information and make practically no mistakes. That is why computers are used in places such as banks, offices and companies.

Computers work like calculators. But most calculators can do only one thing at a time. We tell them what to do by pressing buttons so that it processes, we can give a series of instructions to a computer. Other information such as a list, numbers, letters, words or even graphs or pictures. Once we provide a program, the computer can do all this work automatically without further help or instruction.

A computer stores and handles number. The numbers may be mathematical formulas or numbers in columns of figures. Numbers can also be codes that stand for letters of the alphabet, words or instructions to the computer.

1.Paragraph 1 tells us about the …….. of a computer
Jawaban : E
Paragraph ke-1 tentang fungsi dari computer info ini dapat diketahui dari kalimat berikutnya They can perform calculations and process data. Computers can work with numbers to solve problems in a few seconds.

2. Paragraph 2 tells us about …………… to provide a pronoun to operate computer to set up a programme for computer to get the information from a computer to get a series of instructions
Jawaban : C
Paragraph ke-2 informasi tentang mengatur program untuk computer.

3.Which answer is wrong
A.Computer can remember a great deal of information some extent, a computer is the same as a calculator
C.banks, offices, companies will not run smoothly without computers
D.Computers can do all work automatically without a program
E.Computers are machines that can handle information automatically
Jawaban : D
Pernyataan yang salah adalah bahwa computer dapat bekerja secara otomatis tanpa bantuan program.

4.We can give the computer …….. according to our need ( paragraph 2)
A.a program
B.the information instruction
D.the calculation
E.the memory
Jawaban : A
Sudah jelas

5.Why are computers used in Banks, in public and private offices? Because;
A.they work automatically
B.they do one thing at a time
C.they do the work without help
D.they can remember a great deal of information
E.they work the same way as calculators do
Jawaban : D
Info ini sesuai dengan paragraph ke-3 bahwa computer dapat menyimpan data besar dengan baik.

6.A computer stores and handles number( Paragraph 3). To store is …….. make give keep process take
Jawaban : C
Store: menyimpan sama dengan keep

7.We call this a computers programme. This refers to ………. ( Paragraph 2) instruction
B.further help or instruction
C.pressing various buttons
D.a series of instructions given to a computers
E.information provided by a computer
Jawaban : D
This dalam wacana tertuju pada urutan perintah untuk computer.

Baca Juga:

Sahabat itulah penjelasan dan contoh dari Report semoga bermanfaat dan dapat membantu lebih memahami pelajaran sekolah adik adik semua. Jika ada pertanyaan atau kurang jelas silahkan bertanya di kolom komentar.

Tetap Semangat :D

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