By: muhammad
zacky saputra
“I am alone”
Suddenly, someone
knocked door hardly. Then, a person put in a letter through under the door,
that letter about bill of electric and contract of apartment. Then she received
new massage from her brother.
“Lonely girl hopeless
looking for a rich man, interesting appearance is absolute.”
“Vicky, you are cruel
wish you sank at the river. Then, you become lonely like me.”
“You are liar, take
care! They will come ask rent money”
“Already, they were
almost broke the door! Wish your camp is fun”
Then, Sarah entered her
room, browsing internet. And suddenly, there was a new message from unknown
“Do I know you?”
Sarah did not care.
Then there was a new message again.
“I just want to be your
Sarah, did not care
that message, and walked limp to her bed. Then she played with her doll. And
then, she replied that mysterious message.
“Do I know you?”
“Not yet, maybe later”
“Are you man or woman?”
Sarah was really happy
because who sent message was a man. And after that they sent messages to each